Tuesday, July 25, 2006

The Big Switch

I've moved my blog. Reblogged? Yes. That might be the appropriate term.

I've a couple of reasons for reblogging:

  1. I've always wanted to try blogging actually using Blogger. It seems almost fated. Plus, many of my favourite blogs use Blogger as a template, and theys fancy.

  2. This'll hopefully be the homebase/launching pad for a e-/print zine that I really want to get on its feet, mostly as a way to get writing and keep writing, and to write for an audience, and to keep deadlines, and to get some minimal experience with editing and publishing.

  3. While perhaps not as powerful as a paid Livejournal account (and it might be, I haven't toyed around with it enough yet), it also doesn't cost anything, and is pretty damn user-friendly and customizable. Plus (and more importantly), I've always found blogspots more accessible and aesthetically pleasing than LJs, especially to people who don't have an account (and I hope that, eventually, we'll get an audience of some small size).

  4. Fuck off, that's why.

You'll notice some changes. The name, for one thing - it's borrowed from an idea in a Sandman comic by Neil Gaiman called "A Tale of Two Cities" (it's in a book called World's End that you should probably read, after you read the preceding seven Sandman trades). The quote is up there. He also, around the same time, I imagine, wrote an essay for SIMCITY that must have inspired the story, or been inspired by it, that's always been one of my favourite short idea-pieces. Also, I've abandoned the "In which" device for the post titles, for the purposes of approachability, under the presumption that most people will look at a post with slighlty lower eyebrows if its not titled using conventions from Victorian fiction. I'm sure it'll pop up again, with occasion and much pomp.

Also, you'll notice the transformation of all furniture into urban lounge gear, and that I've hung some new art on the walls. (By the way, most of those links [the artsy parts] were hijacked from
the Fabulist, a place you should really go visit and fawn over)

So that's it for an introduction. It's nice to be back to blogging, even if no one in particular is reading any of this. Yet.


Blogger Jon Gordner said...

I hope you do that streaming thing to LJ.... otherwise, I do not cosign this.

BTW, I'm trying to make that phrase go mainstream.

6:27 PM, July 26, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cheers to Wake The Cities - and the move. I acually really like the layout and the like. Glad you're back to blogging - it's been strange without your creative words appearing on the page. I look forward to the eprint/zine, thing.


7:39 PM, July 26, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Am I going to have to aget an account for this? If so can my google account work?


12:20 AM, July 27, 2006  
Blogger jeereg said...

jon: This isn't a contract. I don't need you to cosign anything. That phrase makes no sense.

Bruce: You don't need an account. Everything I'm putting up is public, and, clearly, you can comment without having registered.... Google what-now?

5:20 AM, July 27, 2006  
Blogger Jon Gordner said...

Greg: Insult me if you wish, but leave the phrase out of it. It makes perfect sense. And of course, you do not need my co-signature, but you're in these things you call "arts". It's a ... what you do you call them ... metaphor?

I do not cosign you're dissaproval.

Live the phrase, love the phrase, make love to the phrase.

10:50 AM, July 27, 2006  
Blogger jeereg said...

jon: I won't do it! You're a madman! I denounce these proceedings! I quit this court!

7:31 PM, July 27, 2006  
Blogger Jon Gordner said...

Greg: Yes, you denounce these proceedings.

You seem to be denouncing a lot of things lately.

Your livejournal...these proceedings...the list goes on!

The trouble with all of these denouncements is that:
a) I do not cosign them
b) Once things are denounced, they are gone. An example: Today, I was watching V for Vendetta. It was the first time I had seen it. When you first posted about it, I intentionally ignored it so that it wouldn't spoil anything. However, now that I have seen it I wanted to read what you had to write about it (and the graphic novel). I thought to myself, "Oh, I ought to go through the ol' archives. Oh...wait...'Lord Greg' (air quotes) has denounced his livejournal. Guess I'll just have to go cry about it." And I did. Then I typed this. Then I cried a little more. And now I have two demands for you, but you only need to carry out one of them.

One: Stop denouncing things. In fact, undenounce everything you have already denounced. This will a) open the vault of your archives to me and b) force you to push the term "I do not cosign that" into the mainstream through frequent (almost to the point of annoying) use. (Choosing this option necessarily implies both)


Two: Make a section on this new fancy dangled website of yours for all your past and future movie/play/graphic novel/what have you ramblings. And don't give me that, "this is a blog, what can I, little Gregory Carere do to carry out what you ask." Theoretically (and I'm in CS, living in the world of theory, mind you) if you switched because Blogger was all the rage, then certianly you can start using all of this new found power, damn you!

Good day.

*interrupts whatever your reply was going to be*

I said, Good Day.

(I've stopped interrupting you. You can respond now.)

12:25 AM, July 29, 2006  

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