Tuesday, August 01, 2006

A Quick Little Stretch

This'll just be a quick warm-up post before I sit down and actually start writing some of that play.

Recently, and largely thanks to Patrick and Theresa of Making Light, I've been delving through wave after wave of pseudo-political blogs maintained by startlingly intelligent people that both frighten and enlighten me. It's renewed my interest in world politics, and helped me to settle a little more comfortably into an actual position on the spectrum (which, according to this Political Compass makes me damn near an anarchist).

This article on the death penalty in Japan, in particular, had me outraged and nearly proselytizing for Amnesty International. You should read it.

All of you must immediately listen to The Meligrove Band's Planets Conspire. You can listen to a few of the tracks on their website (the title track in particular is excellent).

Babel looks damn good, and features a greying Brad Pitt, which jolted me a little and made me think it wasn't him.

Off to write.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Greg, you're awesome!


10:03 PM, August 01, 2006  

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