Sunday, August 06, 2006

Danny Goddamn Glover

I'm watching Saw, not because I have a burning need to see it, not because I like it (I've never seen it before, actually), not even because it's been highly recommended to me (it hasn't been, and, in fact, from what I've been given to understand, I'm not even going to particularly like it), but because it's not costing me anything, thanks to TMN OnDemand. I could be watching Junebug, or Proof, or Thumbsucker, or a couple of HBO shows. But instead I'm watching... holy shit, Danny Glover just walked in. And now, Henry Gale from LOST.

(By the way, has anyone seen Cary Elwes as Ted Bundy in The Riverman? He's real good in it, actually.)

There are already a couple of things the movie's done wrong, but the premise is clever, so I think I'll stick around.

Some of you may like Terry Gilliam. I dunno. Some of you may know him as the maker of Brother's Grimm, and think that you don't like him (and, if that's the case, you should probably go watch a bunch of his other movies, and then shut up). Anyway, there's a trailer for his next film, Tideland, online. It looks pretty damn cool, in that low-budget, Gilliam nightmare kinda way.


So I stopped writing this post to pay attention to Saw, because I didn't want to just half-watch a movie. Here is my twenty word review:

Could've been so much better. Good idea, poor structure, decent actors, bad chemistry, interesting plot, terrible dialogue. Five from Ten.

Hunh. That actually worked.

The Hype Machine is a neat little tool that finds you an unnecessary amount of fantastic music that you can listen to for free (I found it on Fabulist, which is rapidly becoming one of my very favourite websites). You should give it a whirl. It led me to Seachange, who I've immensely enjoyed listening to today. You can listen to some of their stuff on their MySpace. Think Stars, but British.

I've spent a good deal of my time today going through China MiƩville's latest novel, Iron Council. MiƩville's books are almost written in a different language - his prose is lyrical, dense, and complex, and the same can be said for the fiction that it constructs. He's aggressively intelligent, gritty, controversial, and fucking talented. He's rapidly become one of my favourite modern writers. You should read him. (Look for Perdido Street Station, his second novel - it's his breakout work, and certainly one of his best)

I should probably go be productive.


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