Friday, August 11, 2006

Screws, Spiders, Sydney, Science!

First, we return to the business of the Amazing Screw-On Head. For the poor beleaguered souls unable to watch the pilot on for some reason, the enigmatic Tyler has pointed out that the episode is available in three parts on YouTube:

Part 1!
Part 2!
Part 3!

(I hope those links work. I can't check them from the Job.)

My last day. Thank you, Jesus. You're just swell.

I'm currently reading Neil Gaiman's latest novel, Anansi Boys, which is sort of a sequel to American Gods but mostly not. I'm basically (and obviously) obsessed with Gaiman's work, probably because he's writing exactly the kinda fiction I want to read, the kinda things that I never knew I wanted to read until I started reading them. It's the same breed of fiction I really want to write - real, literary, fantastical adventures. There is a sense of wonder in his writing, the undeniable certainty that the impossible can and will happen just around the corner.

And there's this weird thing that happens, when I pick up one of his books, because I'm never certain that I'm going to like it, when it starts off. Most of his stories begin so simply and quietly that you're not even sure that they've started, you're not even sure that they're going anywhere. And then, very suddenly, you're there, in the middle of this incredible, subtle, undeniably complex wonderland, and you realise that you're starving, which doesn't make any sense until you look at the clock and see that you've been reading for three hours and are late for dinner with the lady friend.

Anansi Boys is just like that. Only now, knowing Gaiman, knowing the way he works, I've been able to take it a little more slowly and enjoy every word.

This picture is more fun than it has any right to be. See how far you can zoom in.

Have you ever been carousing about a harsh, alien landscape, and then suddenly realised that, gallivaloping right behind you, it's squarms extendonating outwards in a frumious display of territorial legominance, is a Diremic Megalophant? I know I have. And I'm just glad I had my FMOM Industries Wave Disrupter Gun:

Courtesy of Dr Gordbort's Infallible Aether Oscillators! Act now and receive a free, all-purpose prosthesis!

(This is one of the many reasons that WETA is awesome)

Off to continue to avoid doing work.


Anonymous Anonymous said...


I would like to take this opportunity to point out that this blog has turned into your last blog: a summer project.

If you're not going to post on either one of your blogs, you need to e-mail me. Immediately.


10:57 PM, September 23, 2006  

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